Support Group

Emotional Eating Support Group

For further information, please call: 347-844-2007support group

For many people, emotional eating is a major stumbling block to weight management.  Emotional eating is most broadly defined as eating for reasons other than hunger, something most of us experience at some time or another.  Who among us cannot remember reaching for a sweet treat either for celebration or solace?  “Comfort foods” even feature prominently in today’s culinary lexicon.  However, when feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, or loneliness drive one to continually make poor food choices, resulting in poor self esteem, unwanted weight gain or increased health risk, it may be time for action.  Working through the emotional issues and learning effective coping strategies can facilitate behavioral changes for healthier eating and living. This group offers the opportunity to do so under professional guidance, while sharing and receiving support from others who can identify with you.